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Summer Fun Frenzy
Saturday, July 22, 2023, 01:00pm - 06:00pm
Hits : 192

Presented by FSS Arts & Crafts & FSS Outdoor Recreation

Come bowl with us under the cosmic lights and dance the day away with our DJ! First 200 participants will receive a free gift. Come bowl for a chance to win a prize with our “Lucky Train”.  Still not enough fun? Head over to the FSS Memorial Outdoor Pool for only $4 per person all day. Enjoy some fun arts and crafts or the bouncy house for the kids. But wait, there’s more…Come purchase a Fun Card for 50% off and enjoy all the great stuff John Mann Park has to offer.

Bowling will be $2 per game/$2 shoe rental
ODR offering 50% off John Mann Park Fun Cards (Regular Price $20).
Swimming at the FSS Memorial Outdoor Pool for $4 per person all day.
Ten Pin food Special – Hot dog or burger, chips and a soda or water for $6
Craft Project - $4 per craft

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