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From Monday, July 11, 2022 -  07:45am
To Friday, July 15, 2022 - 04:30pm
Hits : 4909

Presented by FSS Military and Family Readiness Center McGuire.

Transition Assistant Program (TAP) Curriculum gives the foundation for service members and their families to be better prepared to transition from military to civilian life.

The curriculum consists of
Day 1: VA Benefits & Services
Day 2: Managing Your Transition, Military Occupation Crosswalk, Personal Financial Readiness and Unemployment
Day 3: Depart of Labor Employment Workshop, and Survival Benefit Plan
Day 4 and 5: DoL Career and Credential Exploration Track.

MANDATORY Prerequisite: Individual Counseling (IC) & Pre-separation Briefing (eForm DD-2648).

Spouses are encouraged to attend.

Location FSS MFRC, 3435 Broidy Rd., JBMDL McGuire
Contact 609.754.3154